twink1234 | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Apr 25, 2009


  • Posted by:
    twink1234 on 04/25/2009 at 10:21 PM
    Re: “Carbomb
    It is obvious upon reading MICHELLE PILECKI's review that she has no understanding of theatre. I would suggest that the next time she reviews a show, she does so with an open mind and a pleasant disposition. I also sincerely hope that Ms. Pilecki becomes more aware of global events, as her ignorance of other countries and other cultures is offensive.

    And, to quickly note, I am fairly certain that the word "bizarrities" does not exist; if it is a slang word with which I am not familiar, it should not be used in formal writing.

    Finally, as a female, I can attest that most women would object to being called "zaftig." A performer's weight should never be scrutinized or commented upon unless it directly pertains to the character that he or she is playing.