TiredOfStupidity | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Oct 28, 2008


  • Posted by:
    TiredOfStupidity on 10/28/2008 at 6:23 PM
    Re: “Bad Signs
    johntheman7, you're one of the "joe-six-pack-of-kook-aid" drinkers who has the "need to believe" so much that you belive whatever lies your pretty-palin tells you, because you WANT to... not becasue you, or she, can actually verify and back up ANY of what you say.

    You are the type of person that's actually destrying any vestige of hope for the country. You are exactly the type of stupid that the they want you to be, so they can run you and your children into patriotic poverty, while their buddies get rich raping what's left of our resources... most of all, those hard working Americans they talk about sooo much.

    The actual smart people are fighting for America... freedom of religion, freedom of dissent, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, innalianable rights.

    Read "The Audacity of Hope" and educate yourself, before railing so hard for or against that which you don't truly understand.
Palestine supporters protest at Pitt
13 images

Palestine supporters protest at Pitt

By Mars Johnson