Tina Po | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Oct 28, 2013


  • Posted by:
    Tina Po on 10/28/2013 at 8:39 PM
    Re: “Bleak House
    It is SO blatant that the "for profit" Courts of the USA ( and all over) know it is much easier to generate an income through the family court than it is criminal court.
    The Family court knows that a protective parent will do whatever it takes to keep a child safe, and an abuser will do anything to keep access to his little victim ( usually a surrogate of the other parent) . So the higher the "conflict" and the richer the parents, the more lucrative the case.
    So "out in the open" the family court denies abuse, on purpose, because it takes more money to prosecute a criminal.
    Make no mistake... MONEY is their bottom line, at the expense of Children everywhere.
    To validate this FACT.... the DA's office will simply look the other way when it is a parent who is a perpetrator.... so the "allegations" appear "made up"; If you notice, not I have not heard of one protective parent being brought up on charges on false allegations..... because frequently, the abusers get what they want ( unhindered access to their victim).....so why sue for false allegations? They got what they want.
    I invited The police to put me up on charges of false allegations.... because I know the truth. One of us was guilty, and it was not me or my daughter.
    Michael did a fantastic job....he is a good man because of the support he got from his Mom.