Mike Willus | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Jul 10, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Mike Willus on 07/10/2014 at 4:10 PM
    If a deer shits in the woods, does it make a sound? No one knows. However, Patricia Ward knows that when a dog goes to the bathroom a few hundred feet from her front door, her incredibly sensitive nostrils and ear drums are assaulted by this vicious act of nature. I can only assume that she was extremely comfortable with the quiet and pleasant smelling drug dealers and graffiti sprayers that formerly inhabited the park. The anti-park sentiment is nothing but the manufactured outrage of curmudgeons and dog haters. Why should an entire city (and this is city property) be held hostage by the infantile crying of a very small minority who are upset over imagined slights. These are clearly the type of people that refuse to give back the kid's ball when it finds itself inside of their property line. No one likes that person. No one should pander to that person. Democracy is not a political system wherein the loudest asshole always wins.
Palestine supporters protest at Pitt
13 images

Palestine supporters protest at Pitt

By Mars Johnson