Gordon Spencer | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Jun 30, 2008


  • Posted by:
    Gordon Spencer on 06/30/2008 at 8:35 PM
    From Gordon Spencer

    I truly welcome seeing four people taking the time to comment on my review. In 7 years writing reviews in Pittsburgh I have never seen that much response to any one piece before. It’s great when theater-goers tell me what they think about what I said; reviewers rarely get interested feedback or criticism of any kind. I can learn something from that. Such response also tells me that Sean and Todd have dedicated fans. Great!

    I’m also delighted to see that someone still has a copy of a review I wrote in 2001 (saying “to the point of poetry.” Thanks.) I no longer have a copy of the piece myself and I regret not being able to read it to see and understand comments from “The Unsilent Majority.” However it’s possible that back then I may have decided to spend my limited allowed print space commenting on the experience of being there, possibly trying to avoid saying too much negative, honoring the sincerity of the producers. I do remember being astonished to see live theatre in such a neighborhood and admiring the producers for trying that.

    I still admire Sean and Todd’s ability to generate audiences with such loyalty. It is my responsibility to convey to all readers, not to just those already loyal, ideas about what to expect and to pass along opinions. It would be astonishing if everyone agreed with everything I say. But readers have to decide for themselves if they want to attend based on how they interpret any reviewer’s perceptions. In fact, most producers will tell you that it’s word of mouth from pleased audiences which sell tickets, not what reviewers say.

    I will always appreciate any reader feedback.