Get Smart | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Aug 28, 2011


  • Posted by:
    Get Smart on 08/28/2011 at 10:03 PM
    Our goal was to fire Pelosi as Speaker of the House.

    Endorsing encumbents like Gerlach, Pitts, and Dent was part of our
    strategy to win in November.

    And we won. Big.

    Five PAC endorsed congressional candidates--Toomey (Senate), Fitzpatrick, Runyan, Barlette,and Meehan replaced left wing incumbents.

    Three PAC endorsed congressional incumbents also won.

    As a result of these victories, and other Tea Party victories across the nation, Pelosi lost her Speakership.

    So go ahead. Keep underestimating our effectiveness and knocking our succeses.

    In 2012, we'll Win the White House and the Senate.

    And you'll still be scratching your head.

    Don Adams, President
    Independence Hall Tea Party PAC
Palestine supporters protest at Pitt
13 images

Palestine supporters protest at Pitt

By Mars Johnson