Reporters tweet details of today's recorded debate between Casey and Smith | Blogh

Friday, October 26, 2012

Reporters tweet details of today's recorded debate between Casey and Smith

Posted By on Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 11:58 AM

Sen. Bob Casey Jr. Debates R-challenger Tom Smith

Democratic Sen. Bob Casey Jr., who is seeking his second term in the U.S. Senate, debates R-challenger Tom Smith today at the Philadelphia studios of WPVI-TV. The debate was not aired live, but reporters in the room tweeted throughout the recording. To watch, tune to WTAE Sunday at 5 p.m.

Storified by AmyJo Brown · Fri, Oct 26 2012 08:29:02
Please follow her for live tweets during the Casey vs. Smith debate RT @melissamdaniels: In the studio: #pasen Independent
Smith seemed at ease & was making jokes. Both he and Casey prepare to debate. #pasen Snyder
RT @Owens_abc27: Smith got high-five from woman before going into studio for debate. #pasen #abc27voteMegan Piwowar
In the studio 2: #pasen Daniels
Interesting backdrop for the #PASen debate RT @RasmussenPoll #Pennsylvania Senate: #Casey (D) 46%, #Smith (R) 45%Sy Snyder
1st q: are you proud of this campaign, and do you think it has reached voters? #pasenMelissa Daniels
Smith sounding a lot like #Romney. Says he has a 5 point plan and he wants to change things in Washington. #pasen debateTracie Mauriello
Smith: "I'm not a career politician I'm a businessman who wants to go to Washington and change things." #pasen #abc27 voteDennis Owens
Casey uses very first question to hit Smith on Medicare. Not wasting any time. #pasenColby Itkowitz
Casey dings Smith for saying he'd repeal Medicare, Smith counters with saying ACA should be repealed. #pasenMelissa Daniels
Casey interrupts Smith says his claims about taxes in Obamacare not true. Smith looks at him, slightly perplexed, says, uh ok. #pasenColby Itkowitz
Casey says repealing ACA is like putting your head in the sand and doing nothing #pasenMelissa Daniels
#Casey is a more experienced debater and it shows. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Casey says yes to tariffs on China. #PASenSy Snyder
Casey just tried to create space between himself and Obama; Smith rebuts that Casey votes with Obama over 90% of the time #pasenValerie Caras
Smith says "You haven't passed budget in over 3 years. Casey: "That's not true." Smith: "It is true." #pasenMelissa Daniels
Smith says he's not beholden to anyone, brings up that he was a Democrat (play to indies?) #pasenColby Itkowitz
Smith is fumbling a lot - not his forte. But he's doing a good job criticizing Bob Casey #PASenSy Snyder
Casey: "If we’re going to allow tea party ideology to control Washington, we’re going to be in worse shape" #pasenColby Itkowitz
Hoo boy, gun question. Would you like to see stricter regulations for handguns? #PASenSy Snyder
We're onto gun safety. Casey says PA has strong consensus on the issue. #pasenMelissa Daniels
RT @terrymadonna: Both Casey and Smith oppose additional gun control laws. #pasenJohn Gramlich
Smith basically tells moderators their gun control question is dumb, says he'd rather be talking about jobs #pasenColby Itkowitz
Smith gets asked to address gun control. He says he supports 2nd amendment then uses rest of his time to talk about job creation. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Smith: cut spending in other areas so government can invest in infrastructure without raising taxes. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Casey: We need to invest in infrastructure, including technological infrastructure. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Casey laments that Ds and Rs used to work together on robust transportation bill. (That was when they could fill it with earmarks) #pasenColby Itkowitz
Casey: Compromise is needed to avoid sequester. He will compromise on spending cuts, but not reckless ones. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Casey: I don't have a written plan, but my votes in the United States Senate indicates what my priorities would be. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Moderator is pressing for more specifics. Casey says it's impractical for every lawmaker to have own written plan. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Smith: Fiscal cliff has been caused by lack of leadership, and Casey has not come forward with a plan #senatorzero #pasenValerie Caras
"I've come forward with a plan. My opponent has no plan." #PaSen #TeamSmithTom Smith
Smith says he has a 5 step plan for the economy. He gets through 3 of them before moving on. #PASenSy Snyder
Smith: Need to simplify tax code, reduce spending and save Medicare and Medicaid. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Smith asked for specific cuts he would make. Dodges a lot. Finally lands on the Dept. of Energy #PASenSy Snyder
Smith: "I always start [cutting] where the biggest problem is, and it's in all the departments." Well, that's specific. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Casey: If you want middle class tax increase, Tom Smith is your candidate #pasenColby Itkowitz
Here comes the abortion question. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Here we go. A question on Mourdock's rape comments #pasenColby Itkowitz
Smith says "No, not at all" does he agree with Mourdock. #PASen Moderator asks where Smith disagrees with Mourdock.Sy Snyder
Smith tries to dodge abortion question but moderator makes him answer. Says he is pro-life period. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Smith has been avoiding talking much about abortion since this flap: #pasenTracie Mauriello
Both candidates say they are pro-life. Smith calls moderator, Jim, Larry. #pasenMelissa Daniels
Smith confuses Jim Gardner for Larry Kane. Calls him Larry. #pasenColby Itkowitz
He calls moderator wrong name a second time. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Next question: Iranian uranium. Say that five times fast. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Solution to Iran? "Hope cooler heads prevail," -Smith #pasenColby Itkowitz
Casey is on the Foreign Relations Committee so this question on Iran is right up his alley. Pressure's on 4 him 2 give a good answer. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Casey: We need to ensure Iran doesn't reach nuclear capability and must stick with Israel. #pasenTracie Mauriello
Debate ending on education. Interesting since pro-Dem super PAC just went up in PA hitting Smith on ending Dept of Ed #pasenColby Itkowitz
Affirmative action question now. Should race be part of college admission process? #PASenSy Snyder
Smith quotes MLK. Judged by content of character. Says if the af-action is overturned the federal government shouldn't act. #PASenSy Snyder
Casey ends strong, says seven newspapers from Pittsburgh to Philly and many in between have endorsed him b/c of his record #pasenColby Itkowitz
The #PASen debate is ovahSy Snyder

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