Heads Up: Morning headlines for Jan. 4 | Blogh

Friday, January 4, 2013

Heads Up: Morning headlines for Jan. 4

Posted By on Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 8:15 AM

Hey, here's some news: Outside of Las Vegas, Pennsylvanians are the biggest losers when it comes to gambling. We lose more money to slots machines than any other state. Although the Post-Gazette headline puts it a slightly different way: "Gambling revenue last year in Pa. second only to Nevada."

Speaking of bad bets, if Tom Corbett thought that taking on the Penn State sanctions was going to be good politics, he might have been wrong. Even conservatives, like Philly talker Michael Smerconish and the Tribune-Freakin'-Review are unimpressed. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, "political ramifications were considered but were not the driving factor behind the decision to sue." If true, that might be just as well.

County Controller Chelsa Wagner calls, again, for tightened-up oversight of which properties deserve to be tax-exempt. County executive Rich Fitzgerald, again, responds with a chilly silence.

The Port Authority's ConnectCard system is coming to a Giant Eagle or vending machine near you. Topping up the pre-paid fare cards online, though? That, like a bus on a Sunday afternoon, may entail an as-yet undetermined period of waiting.

Finally, this story features a goat showing up unexpectedly on a homeowner's doorstep. Also from our agriculture desk, this butter sculpture is a thing that now exists, at least at the state farm show.